What is SEO and how it works ?

Have you ever heard about SEO, or comes across with similar term? Or you just curious what it SEO and why SEO is gaining importance recently in the tech world?


Don’t worry you come to right place because this blog will give you a clear info about what is SEO and how it works?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. optimization is a digital Marketing strategy that use to improve a website position and visibility in the search engines results. A optimization is a process of using varied tactics like keyword research, content creation, page speed optimization to increase the ranking and visibility of your website in the search results.

The higher ranking of the website in Search result, more will be the internet traffic attracted by the website which generates more sales to a certain business that the website will provide.

First let’s find about the types of SEO and optimization strategies for better understanding before learning about its working.

Types of SEO

There are basically two types of optimization, on-page SEO Works and off-page SEO Works.

On-page SEO:-

On-page optimization is defined as the SEO done on the website i.e., On-page SEO is all about building content to improve the ranking of a website, which includes writing high quality content regularly with keyword-rich titles and metatags.

Off-page SEO:-

Off-page SEO Works is defined as the optimization done off the website i.e., Off-page SEO Works includes adding backlinks to your content, increasing engagement and share on social media and encouraging brand searches on the website.

SEO Strategies

optimization Strategies is divided into two ways i.e., White Hat and Black Hat

White Hat:-

White Hat optimization Strategy is a sustainable and user-friendly practice to promote an online business legally.

Some of salient feature of White Hat optimization are as follow:

  • Adding relevant content with well- labelled images to the website.
  • Using relevant links, references and standard-compliant HTML.
  • Using good grammatically correct sentences.
  • Adding unique page titles and sub- headings.

Black Hat:-

Black Hat optimization Strategy is a malpractice to promote an online business using illegal methods.

Some of the salient features of Black Hat SEO Works are as follow:-

  • Using duplicate content.
  • Adding invisible content and multiple stuffed keywords.
  • Re-directing or cloaking users to another webpage or site.
  • Adding multiple non- relevant backlinks.

I hope you are now aware about what SEO Works is and what are its types and Strategies, then it’s time to explain how it’s actually works?

For more click on the link–Og

How SEO Actually works?

Below is the complete step-by-step analysis of important factors behind working of a SEO. Topics we will be discussing in this section are as follow:-

  • Content
  • Keyword Research
  • Header tags
  • Website design
  • Page speed
  • Security and Safety
  • Trust
  • Links
  • Personal
  • Social media



You all probably know the famous phrase by the Bill Gates “Content is the King”, this quote is very true in the matter of a good SEO. For example, when you search on Google ‘types of mango variety find on Indian subcontinent’ there is multiple website pop up in your search result but the top 5 website on the search results must have the best information or content in regarding to your search question. Hence, a good content make your website ranking and visibility increases in the Google Search results.

Necessary point to increase the content on your website for better SEO Works are as follow:-

  • Try to improve the quality of your content by adding suitable keywords to it and maintaining a fresh content by updating it time to time.
  • By understanding the user intent, what is the reader wants to read and whether your page providing the same info to the reader which they search for.
  • Add detailed images and tables to make your content more attractive and distinctive.
  • Make the content to the point and try to make it more actionable, so that the reader will easily understand the information you want to tell.

Keyword research

Keyword research is the important feature of SEO Works, you can’t alone attract the internet traffic towards your website if your keyword game is weak. One must add such user friendly keywords to their website which rank high in the Google search results. This includes extensive research to analyse what the keywords exclusively used by the audience. With better keyword grip one can excel in the SEO.

Some needed methods to improve the keyword research are as follow:-

  • One can use tools like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs to get better insight about keywords popularly used in the Google search.
  • Understanding about intent behind the search, make your content that much suitable that it attracts only those audiences which are intend towards your content.
  • Check the webpages of your competitors and see what keywords are they using and self-analyze your own website.

Header tags


Header tags or HTML is important factor behind making a website more SEO friendly. Proper tags, headers and descriptions make it easier for Google in figuring out the content of website and define its ranking in the search result bar.

Tips to improve your header tags are as follow:-

  • One can use tool like Ahrefs to identify the duplicate tags and the article the misses Meta descriptions.
  • You can take inspiration from top-ranking websites to have much better understanding about the title and headers tags.
  • Avoid excessively stuffed keywords in the meta-descriptions otherwise Google will penalize you.

Web design


A good website design attract good user experience which is an important aspect for SEO marketing. One must have a good UX/UI (user experience/interface) on their website which easily attracts the internet masses towards itself. It makes your website more accessible for Google in better search engine rankings.

Some important tips to improve your web design for better SEO are as follow:-

  • Try to use more relevant and important keywords in your overall website, which make easier for Google to identify your site easily and Google uses this factor in determining your ranking.
  • Use thick web of links between the pages of your website, it will give search engine a better understanding of your website.
  • Create a mobile-friendly website which can perform well on mobile interface.

Page Speed

Your page speed matter the most for the good SEO of your website. If your website or its certain elements loads so low, Google will penalize you and decrease your ranking and visibility in the search results rankings.

Security and Safety

Security and Safety is a prominent factor behind Google search results rankings. If you want a ranking in the Google first page search ranking your website shouldn’t be scammy or sketchy. You will get a SSL certificates or HTTPS in which you get a simple lock symbol in front of your URL tags or HTTPS. This ensures your site is safe and secure for usage.


TrustRank is a way Google decide your website legal or not. If you’re like some big brand, Google most likely to trust you. If you have quality backlinks like .edu or .gov domains, it only increases your trust factor.

There are 3 important behind trust building of the website:-

Authority:- Authority is further classified into two types

Domain Authority

It is like a widespread domain, which is authoritative and heard by everyone like amazon, dominos etc.

Page Authority

It depends how much your content is authoritative for example: Blogspot etc.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate means how many viewers visit your website and then leave it immediately. So, if you want to decrease your bounce rate make sure your content is engaging, load easily and can attract audience. If you follow this method right audience will spend more time on your website which will increase your Google search rankings.

Domain Age

Your website Domain Age matters the most. If your website is in the internet business for a long time and producing a quality content more often, then this will please the search engines and your ranking will increase no matter what.


Link is what make your SEO game solid and it the most important factor of Google taken into consideration in search rankings. Quality of links is what matter most. Building strong and relevant backlinks for your website helps for long run.



Demography and location are the parts of personal factors regarding a good SEO. Our content should country or city friendly, from where your targeted audience is. Your content and primary keywords must be relevant to the country or city where you resides. Then it will gain reach in the Google rankings.

But if you want to go global then reminds these points:-

  • Understand your customer needs, if your customer is satisfied with content of website, then your search will increase.
  • Produce multilingual content for better worldwide reach.
  • Always research trending keywords of other countries and try to incorporate those keywords in your content for better SEO.

Social Media


Social Media plays a prominent role in increasing the SEO of your website. Be consistent with your content, make it easy for promoting on social media platform, because more shares means more engagement with the internet audience which will increase you website search rankings.

Ending Note

This how the whole SEO marketing works, I hope this blog provide you a somehow brief description behind SEO working and what are the necessary elements behind it working. SEO marketing is great career option which is pretty in demand nowadays. So, if you want to pursue a career in it go ahead with full confidence. For more info about the SEO Click on the given link


Q1.Is SEO is part of Digital Marketing?

Yes, SEO is a fundamental part of Digital Marketing.

Q2.How much time is taken by SEO for works?

It is long- term process which usually take minimum six month – 1 year for ranking most of the keywords. It is works which takes patience.

Q3.How to rank high on Google?

With the constant efforts in above mention factors in the blog, one can definitely rank high on Google.

Q4.How much will it cost for a SEO expert/specialist services?

In India it will cost around 5k-25k INR per month and for oversees it’s around $100-$250 per hour.

Q5.Can I buy links for SEO marketing?

It is big no, avoid any kind of link buying because it is a violation of Google webmaster guidelines and would cause you a hefty penalty amount.

Surendra Gusain

Hi, I am Surendra Gusain founder-director of DOTNET Institute and a Professional IT Trainer, Digital Marketing Trainer, Youtuber, and Blogger with 23 years of experience in computer training at DOTNET Institute.

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