What is On Page SEO | SEO for Website | Website Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in the search engines. On-page refers to both a page’s content and HTML source code that can be customized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external cues. For those new to On Page SEO, we highly recommend reading our On-Page Ranking Factors. On-page SEO has changed over the years, so it is important to keep up with the latest practices.

On Page SEO

What is on – page SEO?

On Page SEO

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) It refers to the practice of optimizing webpages to develop a website’s search engine rankings and earn organic traffic. On page SEO (also known as On-site SEO) refers to the practice of optimizing web pages in order to improve a website’s search engine ranking and earn organic traffic. In addition to publication relevant, high-quality content, on page SEO includes optimizing your headlines, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images.

Why do on-page SEO?

On Page SEO

On-page SEO leads to higher search rankings, increases traffic to your site, and more conversions. On-page SEO results take time, but once your on-page SEO strategy gets off the ground, it can elevate your online rankings and sales.

Which on-page SEO ranking factors should I optimize for?

With on page SEO, you have a number of different on-page ranking factors. Taking the time to optimize each of these factors will improve your ranking in search results and make your website more competitive and hard to beat.

On Page SEO

On-page optimization factors you should consider includes.


the title tag

meta description

Heading Tags

Alt Tags



Speed ​​

internal link


mobile friendship

Some examples of on page SEO action items includes.

Customizing your title tag and meta description

Writing in-depth, quality material

Cleaning up your site’s code

Streamlining your site’s navigation

Speed up your website

Keep reading to learn how to optimize on page for each of these on page SEO factors.

How to optimize for on-page SEO

On Page SEO

Now that you know what factors affect your on page SEO, you can start optimizing them. Remember, optimizing your site will take time, as well as seeing results. However, following best practices for these factors will help you build a website that can tolerate algorithmic updates.

URL – The URL of the pages on your website should include a short description of the subject of the page. For example, if you have a page about dog daycare in Daytona Beach, a good URL for that would be Or, if you have several locations, you can use the following format: Including your keywords in your URL instead of a long string of jumbled numbers makes your site easier to navigate and gives people a better idea of ​​the topics on your page.

Title Tags – In order for your website to appear in search engine result pages (SERPs), Google needs to know what your page is about. For example, if you are targeting the keyword “Dog Daycare Daytona Beach,” you could create the following title tag: “Top Dog Daycare in Daytona Beach | Company Name.” For best results, limit your title tag to 55 characters and use your target keyword at the beginning to prevent Google from cutting it off in search results.

Meta Description – The Meta description does not directly affect your on page optimization. However, it is a feature that helps users to know more about your page. The fact that Google will hold the user search terms that appear in your Meta description is another reason to optimize your meta description for on page SEO. For best results, your Meta description should last up to 160 characters.

On Page SEO

Heading Tags – When it comes to heading tags, you want to use them for search engines and users. Use title tags to split your content and make it more readable and skimable for users. For example, a post about dog daycare might use the following headings What is included in dog daycare?, How much does dog daycare cost?, How to find the best dog daycare When writing your heading tags, remember to target your main keywords in your H1 tags.

What are the 5 Essential On-page SEO Factors

On-page SEO can be roughly divided into three categories: content, HTML and website architecture. We will see each one individually

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritarianism, and Credibility) – In the 175 pages of the Google Search Quality Guidelines, it is mentioned 135 times, which should be an indication of its role in the search engine’s algorithms. While Google has only confirmed certain elements of the E-A-T (PageRank and Links), it is generally accepted in the SEO field that on-page signals play a large role in its evaluation.

Keywords – The most basic way to make your website content answer a user’s question is in the language you use. Pages that display the keywords used in a query, whether in the body, headings, or both, are more likely to be relevant to the search. Sometimes it’s easy to determine. In short, you need to know what your target customers are looking for and create content that includes these words. It’s always a good idea to do research, so you’re not missing an opportunity.

On Page SEO

SEO Writing – Creating content that search engines prioritize and convert human visitors to your site is an art. Unless you’ve done it before, it can be quite a challenge to write copy that reads well and still follows SEO best practices.

Using visual assets – images, videos and info graphics does more than just make your page visually interesting to visitors. It also gives you the opportunity to boost your SEO. More than 36% of consumers use visual search when shopping online, which means that if you’re not using images, you’re missing out on traffic.

HTML – Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is the code that is used to structure your webpages and their content. They tell the user’s browser what to show and where to show them. And this tells the search engines what your page is about and where they should rank you.

On-page SEO vs Off-page SEO

On Page SEO

On-page SEO is everything you can do internally to increase your ranking, including keyword optimization, meta descriptions, title tags, alt text, and website structure.

Off-page SEO is everything that happens externally that affects the ranking of your site. This includes backlinks, e-a-t, local SEO, social media mentions and pay-per-click.

Obviously, you have a lot of control over your on page SEO, but it’s also important to keep in mind off-page SEO – you need both to get where you want to go.

But, you should first focus on creating a good, relevant webpage that is fully optimized for search engines, before you start ditching a lot of resources to build links and promote your site.


As we know that we can all talk about on page optimization factors, but what it really comes down to is creating sure that search engines and users are able to understand what your page is about. This may be done by including keywords and variations in key areas on your website. And that is the most important part of on-page optimization is using relevant keywords without keyword stuffing.


Q.1 What is on-page and off-page seo?

On-page SEO refers to SEO factors and techniques focused on optimizing the aspects of your website that are within your control. Off-page SEO refers to SEO factors and strategies that are focused on promoting your site or brand on the web.

Q.2 What is Backlinks in SEO?

A backlink occurs when one website links to another with anchor text. An instance of a backlink is any article that links you to another source or website. You can find examples of website backlinks all over the Internet, particularly on popular blog sites that link back to relevant content.

Q.3 Which one is better SEO or PPC?

We’ve seen that SEO click-through rates are higher than PPC, which means it has the potential to drive a significantly higher amount of organic traffic your way. Also, your cost per acquisition (CPA) is going to be much lower by using SEO as compared to PPC.

Q.4 What are the 3 main characteristics of a quality backlink?

There are many factors involved in building a good backlink, but most quality backlinks share these three characteristics: The link text is naturally in the context of the page. The referring domain is reputable. The reference page link is topically relevant to the destination.

Q.5 Who is the Founder of SEO?

Lorraine Baker. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) today revolves around Google. Furthermore, the practice we now know as SEO actually predates the world’s most popular search engine co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Q.6 What is Onsite SEO?

On-site SEO (also known as on-page SEO) is the practice of optimizing elements on a website (as opposed to links elsewhere on the Internet and other external signals collectively referred to as “off-site SEO”. “) to rank higher and earn more applicable traffic from search engines.

Surendra Gusain

Hi, I am Surendra Gusain founder-director of DOTNET Institute and a Professional IT Trainer, Digital Marketing Trainer, Youtuber, and Blogger with 23 years of experience in computer training at DOTNET Institute.

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