
11 Different Types of Sites You Can Build with Wordpress

Creating a website with WordPress seems easy these days, doesn’t it? You just installed a theme and you are ready to go, right? Well, although WordPress was originally imagined as a blogging platform, today it has become the most popular CMS and largest publishing scene with over 40% of the internet running on this platform.

You can now use WordPress to build every kind of website possible. All you need is an idea and the necessary resources. The possibilities and innovations you can implement in your build are virtually limitless and that’s why in this article we are going to share some of the unmistakable types of websites that you buildable with WordPress.

1. A Blog

WordPress started as a simple blogging platform and quickly evolved into the powerful CMS we know today. Over the past 16 years, the blog and personal website components are still present and powerful.

In fact, they have become more refined and mature. If you want to create a blog or personal website, you will find many tools to quickly manage and scale your WordPress site.

If you want potential clients to learn more about your work, you need to blog about it on your WordPress site. The passion you have for your work will show in your blog posts, and you can bet the potential client will find that they are in good hands.

Focus on creating relevant content. If you are in SaaS business, please do not blog on GOT. If you really want to blog about a series, create another website for that purpose. Learn your core expertise and blog about anything related to it that your target audience will appreciate.


Good blog content won’t be read if your headline is bad. You need a good headline to grab the reader’s attention as they are often the first impression a reader has of your website. The title invites the reader to learn more or they may push them away. Even if the rest of your content is high quality, if the headline is too bad, only a fraction of your target audience is likely to read it.

Use headings to highlight each section of your article. Use H2 headings for key sections with additional lover-level headings (H3, H4, etc.) as needed. You can also include bullets and numbered lists for quick and easy bullet points in your posts.

Don’t forget the pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words and you should enjoy it. Create visually appealing images. Sites like Unsplash, Big Stock, Pixabay, PicJumbo, make it easy to find affordable images. With additional tools like Photoshop or AdobeXD, you can enhance images even more.


Always include alt text when adding images to your posts. Search engines can see this and that same image can rank higher in search engine image results, which will lead to increased traffic to your website. Additionally, image alt text is necessary if you want to make your WordPress blog accessible to users who use screen readers and voice technology to browse the web.

2. Business Website

WordPress is an easy way to create a professional business website. It is so powerful that many major brands use WordPress to power their web presence.
Before creating your business website, you should have a clear goal in mind to develop it.


If you don’t know what you want to achieve with your professional WordPress website, it will be nothing but a waste of money. You can’t expect a business website to fulfill its purpose if you don’t know what its purpose is in the first place.

Your potential customers should also understand what your business is when they open your website. They need to know if they are in the right place and if your business is the right business. That’s why you need to clearly articulate your company’s vision and mission.

Don’t forget your call to action. CTAs on your website are beneficial because with them you force the visitor to take the next step to use your service or purchase your product.

Make sure to include CTAs that will help users sign up for your newsletter, learn more about your services, buy your products, and more.

Having strong content

Having powerful content can set you apart from your competitors. Writing helpful articles, company stories, and guides will showcase your credibility and show that your team is trustworthy and passionate about the work. When creating content, keep these points in mind:

Don’t go overboard with large chunks of text. Most people will quickly flip through your pages to see what you have to offer so you don’t distract them with too much text. Be brief and precise.
Merge different content types. Don’t limit yourself to text. Instead, combine videos, images, slideshows, and text to deliver richer articles.

3. Ecommerce Website


WordPress has become the ultimate solution for building an e-commerce website. There are great plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads that can turn your WordPress site into an eCommerce platform.

Your e-commerce website should have the following essential functions:

Ability to provide users with product navigation smooth product.
Ways for users to select products and put them in their cart
Secure and transparent checkout proces.

4. Portfolio website

Would you like to showcase your work? You can easily do this with a WordPress portfolio page that has beautiful sliders and image galleries. It’s one of the best ways to make sure your work gets noticed. A well-designed portfolio page tells people exactly who you are and what you do. You will successfully build your presence while showcasing examples of your skills and achievements in a visually appealing way.


A successful portfolio website is a place to showcase who you are and what you do.

This doesn’t mean the website has to look like a resume, but you should also keep your design as simple, clean, and navigable as possible. If you are not a visual artist or an eccentric person, you should avoid unnecessary features and fonts on your portfolio page. Everything on your site should support your work and not distract the user.

5. Online Community

With WordPress, you can develop any kind of online community you can imagine! If you’re a business owner, online communities can help you stand out from your competition and appeal to your target market. As a blogger, you can reach your niche audience and build loyalty.


It doesn’t matter if you want to support, build a following or create a place where like-minded people can share their opinion, WordPress is a great platform tool for growing an online community.

6. Multilingual website

WordPress can be installed in multiple languages, but you can also develop a multilingual website. Multilingual website that provides content, products and/or services to readers in multiple languages. If you want to expand your business into other territories, you should have the native language of the specific territory on the website. In addition to the language of your target audience, when setting up a multilingual WordPress site, you also need to understand the cultural differences of your target audience. Consider their language, tone, and make sure your concepts don’t undermine their traditions.


7. Wiki/Knowledge site

Want to add a documentation section with a knowledge base or wiki-like articles? WordPress comes with great content that can turn your website into an easy-to-navigate knowledge base wiki. There are three different ways to create a wiki page in WordPress:

You can use a dedicated WordPress wiki plugin to create your knowledge base.
You can use custom snippets to build your knowledge base.


8. Magazine and Digital Publishing Websites


Magazines and digital publishing can be a combination of news, stories, entertainment, or another type of reporting. If you ever think about users’ browsing habits, most of the websites they visit are purely news and entertainment, like The Onion.

Of course, you can also monetize a publishing platform built on WordPress, in most cases through programmatic advertising displayed on the pages rather than selling products and services on the site.

At DevriX, in 2018 alone, we managed to grow over 10 publishers that retain from thousands to millions of pageviews per month, maximizing their revenue. and reduce costs in the process. One of our Obsev (OBSessed With EVerything) customers is experiencing heavy traffic (over 30 million pageviews per month) and is struggling with scaling challenges.

We partnered with Pagely to help them, and now their traffic has quadrupled! You can read more about our overall success at this link or watch the full case study video below.


9. Amazon Affiliate Store

Amazon Affiliate Store allows you to sell your products through Amazon.com as an affiliate and earn a percentage on each sale. This is one of the easiest ways to start an online business with WordPress.


As a store owner, you can drive traffic to your WordPress site by including affiliate links in your content . When a user clicks the link and buys the product, you will earn a commission on the purchase.

You can launch your Amazon affiliate store with WooCommerce as it is the most accepted method to do so. After installing and activating the WooCommerce plugin, you will need to sign up for an Amazon affiliate account to start selling products using your Amazon affiliate ID.


Visit the Amazon Affiliate Program page and click the “Join Free” button.

Create an account and you’re good to go. For more tips on how to successfully launch a WordPress powered ecommerce business, visit our guide here.

10. SaaS

SaaS is the ideal way to deliver application services. In turn, potential customers use the software without worrying about maintenance and installation. They only have it on the internet through your WordPress build.

A SaaS solution can be deployed in several areas, including B2B, HR, CRM, management, finance, and more. In fact, we built our own CRM platform from scratch on WordPress called DX Sales CRM.

DX Sales CRM is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform that allows SME owners to manage internal transactions within their WordPress dashboard.


Our team of WordPress experts excel at developing premium SaaS applications that generate large user bases and substantial traffic. We provide our customers with a reliable code infrastructure and server tiers that can scale over time, with an acceptable UX workflow for sign-ups, and support for roles and different features.

Creating a website with WordPress seems easy nowadays, doesn’t it? You just install a theme and you’re good to go, right? Well, even though WordPress was initially imagined as a blogging platform, nowadays, it has become the most popular CMS and the biggest publishing stage with more than 40% of the internet running on the platform.

Now, you can pretty much use WordPress to build every possible type of website. All you need is an idea and the resources for it. The possibilities and the innovations that you can implement into your build are practically limitless, and this is why, in this article, we’ll be sharing some of the unmistakable types of sites that you can build with WordPress.

11. A Multisite Network


With WordPress Multisite, you can create a large network of WordPress-based sites that share themes or plugins but have different tables of content for data. It is a great solution for universities, schools and other educational institutions, as well as high-end SaaS-based projects.

For example, let’s say you want to create a publishing platform, but you also want to create a separate project where you will attract more users to convert. Instead of reinstalling WordPress, with the Multisite option, you can use the same username and dashboard to manage both.

Subsites in a multisite network can share the same plugins, themes, and databases, but they do not have their own unique server directory. They do, however, have individual folders and media tables in the database, which ensures you have unique content for each site on the network. You can use the same plugins, have specific plugins work on subsite X and subsite Y, or have plugins available across the network.

we build multisite WordPress networks with tens of thousands of separate subsites, premium custom plugins specifically configured for each network, and premium solutions for feature packs and payment plans flexible.

We have developed and maintained WordPress networks with up to 80,000 websites and server infrastructure that has scaled successfully for daily customer traffic or product launch campaigns.

The platform we develop is very solid and suitable for the constant updates of WordPress Core. We also manage server infrastructure and monitor multisite networks with the aim of anticipating traffic spikes so these issues can be resolved immediately.


We hope we’ve now provided you with some ideas that you can use to start and scale your business using the most powerful CMS! Whatever your niche, WordPress has you covered with tons of features and unlimited growth opportunities!


Q 1: How many types of website you can build with WordPress?

11 Different Types of Sites You Can Build with WordPress

Q 2: What is blog?

A blog (short for “weblog”) is an online magazine or informational website run by an individual, group, or company with regularly updated content (blog posts) on a topic.

Q 3: What is business website?

Business Websites Business websites are the online hub for your business and everything you do. Whether you are a sole proprietorship as a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company or a large corporation, it is always important to have an online presence to keep people informed about your business. your business and services.

Q 4: What is E-Commerce website?

An e-commerce website is an online platform that provides a means to exchange goods and services for payment. The order fulfillment process, from payment to shipping, is fully automated using advanced e-commerce tools. All funds are usually transferred by bank transfer, card payments or digital wallets.

Q 5: What is a multisite network?

A multisite network (or “Multisite”) is a collection of sites that share the same WordPress installation and database. These sites can also share plugins and themes that can be managed and updated across the network. Multisite installations are ideal for projects that include a single umbrella page

Surendra Gusain

Hi, I am Surendra Gusain founder-director of DOTNET Institute and a Professional IT Trainer, Digital Marketing Trainer, Youtuber, and Blogger with 23 years of experience in computer training at DOTNET Institute.

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