
What is E- mail Marketing? | Why Email Marketing | Email Campaigning

what is email marketing

You must have heard the name email marketing so this is a very good marketing to grow your business, so today we will talk about this something important. Email marketing is the use of you guessed it e-mail to promote your brand, sell products or services, and make a relationship with customers. Crafting an email marketing campaign is an opportunity to develop and deploy a message that enables your business to appeal to a particular audience

What is E-mail Marketing?

E- mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a direct marketing channel that lets businesses share new products, sales, and updates with the customers on their contact list. Its high ROI makes it vital to the overall inbound strategy of most businesses. Modern E-mail marketing has moved away from one-size-fits-all mass mailing and instead focuses on agreeableness,

segmentation and personalization. It may sound time-consuming, but marketing automation handles most of the heavy lifting for you. In the long run, a well-designed E-mail marketing strategy will not only drive sales, but help build a community around your brand.

What are the types of E-mail marketing?

Marketing emails may serve a specific purpose in promotional, informational or buyer journey.

Promotional emails – Email marketing campaigns are used to promote special offers, new product releases, gated content Such as eBooks and webinars, and promote your brand in a big way. A campaign can consist of 3-10 emails sent over a number of days or weeks. Promotional emails have a clear call-to-action – CTA, in short. A CTA represents the specific action you want the reader to take, whether it is visiting a page on your website or using a coupon to create a purchase.

Informative Email –In this Newsletters a newsletter, as the name suggests, shares news related to your business. Think: New milestones reached, new product capabilities, or featuring valuable content such as case studies. Sent at regular intervals – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly – newsletters help you keep in constant touch with your E-mail subscribers.

Re-engagement email – Another important type of marketing email is re-engagement email. As the name suggests, re-engagement emails help in re-engaging with customers or clients who have not been active recently.

Why is E-mail Marketing Important?

Email is not a new technology. In fact, it was one of the first means of digital communication dating back to 1971.But at the age of 50, email marketing is used more than ever today. While it is true that social media is an important channel for any digital marketing strategy, email has many benefits. First, email marketing campaigns can be personalized to a greater extent than social media.

After that, the cost is significantly lower compared to other channels, especially considering the reach and conversion rates associated with email marketing. This is the part that makes email marketing so ideal for small businesses. Ultimately, what makes email marketing so powerful and engaging is that it gives you direct, personal access to your audience’s inboxes.

There were over 4 billion global email users in 2020.

80% of Americans check their email at least once per day, with about a quarter of them checking their personal email multiple times a day.

62% of consumers with small businesses ranked email among their top favorite communication channels.

Benefits of  E-mail Marketing

Conversions (sales of your products and services) – Also, try using these email marketing techniques to further boost conversions Personalized coupons or special offers for customers’ birthdays/anniversaries, in this welcome emails, and that is a way to re-engage your audience. So can we say that abandoned cart emails are triggered whenever a visitor adds an item to their cart but doesn’t check it out?

Brand Awareness – The best thing about email is that it lets you reach someone directly. It is one-to-one communication at its best. And people these days don’t let anyone into their inbox. This is a curated space reserved for favorite brands and publications. One of the key advantages of email marketing is its scalability. This means that emails can be sent to a large number of recipients while remaining cost-effective (in comparison to other marketing channels).

Customer loyalty – Email drives customer loyalty at each stage of the buyer journey: lead-nurturing, conversion, onboarding, retention. As well, E-mail marketing is an essential tool to use alongside sales CRM systems to streamline communication. It’s a truly powerful way to build a community, as discussed in our guide to building relationships

With email.

How to do E-mail Marketing?

Businesses are known as email service providers (ESPs) for sending marketing emails. An email service provider is software which sends and manages email marketing campaigns. It is also known as email marketing platform, email marketing tool, E-mail marketing service or email marketing software.

Technically, it is possible. (We also explain how in our guide to sending mass emails with Gmail.) Be careful though. You are likely to run into problems with limited email bandwidth, design, and more importantly, email delivery.

How to Choose an E-mail Service Provider

With hundreds of ESPs on the market, it is difficult to know which one is right for your business.

Some of the most popular alternatives include Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Convertkit, Klaviyo, Mailjet, Mailerlite, GetResponse, and HubSpot.

Marketing services should be your starting point.

What type of emails are you planning to send, and how often? This will give you an idea of ​​your required email volume (i.e. the number of emails you send).

If you’re an absolute beginner, you’ll want a drag-and-drop email editor. Email templates will also come in handy. On the other hand, if you like to code emails right from the start, you’ll be on the lookout for an HTML editor.

Do you plan to set up an automated email workflow? Check out what ESP offers in terms of email marketing automation. Some solutions only provide basic auto responders.

What contact list segmentation capabilities are offered if your business communicates with different buyer personas? It’s also a good idea to consider your future requirements.

History of E-mail Marketing

   Email is celebrating its 46th birthday this year and what a journey it has been. You know that email actually predates the internet? While much of the technology is replaced by smaller and more powerful solutions, email didn’t nearly complete the technological revolution. Even more impressive is that it is still growing in popularity.

Get ready to be amazed by these surprising facts about the history of email marketing. The first electronic mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson (source) in 1971 – Tomlinson was a programmer working on applications for MIT’s ARPANET project (essentially the beginning of what we know today as the Internet.) When we talk about first email marketing blast was sent in 1978 (Source) – The sender was a man named Gary Therk who worked for Digital Appliances Corp. In 1989, experts predicted that other technologies would soon take the place of email—namely the fax machine.

He never thought that a “paperless” world was possible. They also failed to anticipate how email would replace direct mail marketing. Hotmail sparked the explosion of email marketing – when the Internet went live in 1991, email was primarily used for universities or corporate communications. The general public saw it as a novelty and is still too expensive for everyday use.

How to Design a Marketing Email

   Email design doesn’t have to be difficult or excessively technical. Using the drag-and-drop editor, you can quickly create stunning and professional marketing campaigns. There’s no need to stop making fancy, detailed emails. More significantly, you should focus on creating an email that embodies your brand, no matter what it looks like. Often, that means keeping it easy as your skill grows, you can always build it up later.



   Hope this article has given you a better idea about the world of email marketing. We know there’s definitely a lot of information here. But anyone can use email marketing to grow their business by taking things one step at a time. Email marketing is a proven online-marketing element that may reach a higher percentage of addresses and improve customer experience. A prerequisite for this approach is a structure for your message that is well considered out and content that is highly relevant to your target group.


Q.1 What does email marketing mean?

When you are you talking about email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It may help create your customers aware of your latest products or offers by integrating it into your marketing.

Q.2 Is Email Marketing Simple?

Email marketing isn’t a complicated process, but it is a process that requires a lot of A/B testing to figure out how to best communicate with your customers in a way that works for them and be beneficial to your business goals.

Q.3 How Email Marketing Can Be More Effective?

Here some tips to build a successful email marketing campaign
Select a relevant email list. To ensure that your emails have maximum effect, you need to send them to the right people. ,
Design your email ,
Personalize your email subject line and material. ,
be conversational ,
Create a follow up. ,
Send email from a real person. ,
A / B test your email.

Q.4 What is the first step in establishing email marketing?

Set a goal. The first thing you should decide when starting an email campaign is what you want the campaign to achieve for your business. Having a clear goal in mind will help guide you through the process and make important decisions.

Q.5 How Often Should I Send Marketing Emails?

A good approach might be to send emails twice a month and then increase it to weekly. If you have great content, or ever-changing offers, or regular promotions, consider sending an email two to three times a week. Be sure to monitor these campaigns.

Q.6 What tools are used for email marketing?

Email marketing tools are tools which marketers use to make, send, test, optimize and report on their email campaigns. This is the most common email marketing tools is an email service provider, or ESP, like Campaign Monitor.

Q.7 Does Email Marketing Really Work?

Absolutely! It is now more relevant than ever. Research shows that despite the rise in popularity of social media and other messaging platforms, email is still the best channel to reach people ahead of other channels. Email users are expected to increase.

Q.8 What’s the best day to send email marketing?

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days to send emails for business emails. As for the exact hours of the day, these are the critical transition times that work best: 8 a.m. is a great way to catch up on who checks email first.

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